Sunday, February 14, 2010


sedih sgtt la plop ak neh..
ku tnggalkan shabat baik ku..
hope, he still reminds me..
not only his minds but in his heart too..

mish u..
 he put me so down..

Friday, December 4, 2009

antara india china melayu?
who deserve to have the best?
r malaysian got the talent??
muahahhaha..nih ak nk cite psl ak punye uncle..
uncle ak nk g beli perabot kedai china..
ak pon ikut skali, saje gtal2 nk ikut org..xde keje..
ak just consider to say yes or no je as my opinion..
then ade la sorang amoi dtg dekat  dgn tempat ak dengan uncle pilih kerusi..
at the same time, amoi tuh nk beli krusi yg same dgn uncle ak..
so, amoi ckp la kt tokey tuh..
thenn tgh2 amoi tanye brape harga, tokey tuh ckp dlm bhsa mandarin...
harga krusi tuh rm150..
uncle ak tnya tokey tuh, tokey tuh ckp dlm bhasa mlayu rm210...
dgn tiba uncle ak ckp mandarin..
wah,ak plak ternganga..coz selama nih ak  xtau pon uncle ak nih reti ckp mandarin..
oo i know the situation.,
my uncle was cheated by the tokey..
dia tipu hrga jual kt uncle ak...
nk xnk tokei tuh kena r jual krusi tuh g dgn hrga yg sma dgn amoi td..
ala bai..kalu takat 2 3 ringgit xkisah but 2 3 puluh ringgit myb kisah..
so,what kind of situation do u think?
myb kalu ak d tempat amoy n tokey tuh ak akan wat cm tuh jgk..
n myb kalu ak jd bangsa mlayu yg xreti ckp mandarin confirm2 melayang 2 3 puluh ringgit ak tuh..
hahaha..priviledges jgk jd org yg bleh ckp byk plak dlm hal2 mcm nih...